17 juni 2013

Postage stamp quilt, finished.

I finally finished my postage stamp quilt. When I started the plan was to use only scraps and to use everything, no matter what color it was, and I did. The problem I ended up with was a quilt that was both dark and light, that had lots of forest greens and lots of pale pastels and even lots of really strong colors, all mixed in one. I had lots of problems figuring out what color to use between the squares, I tried a strong yellow and a dark green, a soft blue and a pale pink but nothing worked. Finally I got tired of it and decided on the dark plum. I have to be honest and say that I don`t love it, I like it and I might fall in love with it but I know now that I should of decided on a color scale and not went with every color I could find. Lesson learned.

6 juni 2013

Big, no, huge pillow.

I made a huge pillow for the balcony, I got sick of trying to build some sort of comfortable mountain out of small pillows so I made a big one instead. It`s so comfortable and really does what it`s supposed to. I long for a rainy day that I can spend on my balcony with a book and a big cup of tea.