29 mars 2013

Cotton pearl I love you.

I treated myself to some cotton pearl the other week and I`ve been busy colorsorting them since then. I already have lots of nr 5 but I didn`t have any nr 8 and I`ve really been wanting that for a long time so I finally just bought some, or to be specific I bought 60 little rolls of it, but I mean it`s thread, one can never ever have to much thread. Right?

5 kommentarer:

  1. I totally understand your love for cotton pearl. Looking at your pictures I think I may have to go out and buy some myself;)

  2. They are divine.
    There are so many colorways they could be arranged in..
    Dark to light..
    shades of the color..
    varigated and plain..
    or just throw them in the air and see where they land :)
    Id have fun sorting 60 beautiful little rolls of deliciousness as well.

    1. Oh I love your idea to just throw them in the air and see what happens, I might just have to try that. :)

  3. Wow vilket köp alltså, fantastiskt att få frossa sådär!! Jag älskar det garnet, använder det jättemycket, men DMC nr 8 är svårt att få tag på i butiker så jag har köpt mitt på second hand. Anchor har jag inte sett förut, var har du köpt det någonstans?

  4. Jag får hjärtklappning! :) När jag var barn för hundra år sedan hade min pappa tvätteri där de märkte kundernas tvätt med sådana garner. Jag älskade att dem!
